David Lyman Blacker: A Short Sketch of His Life and Road to Montana

David Lyman Blacker
               David Lyman Blacker

David Lyman Blacker arrived in Virginia City, Montana in 1864 – during the exciting early days of the Montana gold rush, probably via the Montana Trail.  By 1866, he and his business partner, David Keating, had discovered the Keating Lode two miles northwest of Radersburg.  Several years later, they were also mining the Leviathan and Ohio Lodes, and had built a 15-stamp mill in order to process the many tons of rock being taken out of the mines.

In 1871, David married Ada Cordelia Buchenau in Wathena, Kansas, and brought her back to the Montana Territory where they made their first home in Radersburg.  In 1873, the Helena Weekly Herald reported that “very few men in all the mines of America have a “better thing” than have Messrs. Keating & Blacker” [1].  Later that same year, David and Ada welcomed the first baby into their family, a little girl named Muzetta.  She was the first of five children born to the couple between 1873 and 1889.

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Steamboat travel on the Missouri River

Vast herds [of buffalo], extending away to the horizon line of the north-ward bluffs, were moving slowly toward the river, grazing as they came.  On arriving at the river’s brink they hesitated and then, snorting and bellowing, plunged into the swift-running current and swam to the opposite shore.  When the [steamer] Stockdale reached a point nearly opposite the Elk Horn grove, excitement rose to a high pitch on board, for the buffalo became so thick in the river that the boat could not move, and the engines had to be stopped.  In front the channel was blocked by their huge, shaggy bodies, and in their struggles they beat against the sides and stern, blowing and pawing.  Many became entangled with the wheel, which for a time could not be revolved without breaking the buckets.  As they swept toward the precipitous bank of the north shore and plunged over into the stream, clouds of dust arose from the crumbling earth while the air trembled with their bellowings and the roar of their myriad hoofs . . . it seemed almost as if they would overwhelm the boat.  No one on board cared to shoot among them, for the sight of them was too awe-inspiring . . . Several hours elapsed before the Stockdale was able to break through the migrating herds and resume her journey, and they were still crossing when at last she passed beyond view.

Hanson, Joseph Mills. “Blockaded by Buffalo.” The Conquest of the Missouri: The Story of the Life and Exploits of Captain Grant Marsh. Mechanicsburg: Stackpole, 2003. 97-98. Print.

I believe that three of my great grandparents and two of my great great grandparents experienced at least one trip on a Missouri River steamer – probably sometime between the years 1867and 1879. And so I found myself feeling quite curious about what that trip might have been like.

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Ada Cordelia (Buchenau) Blacker: A Short Sketch of Her Life and Road to Montana

Ada Cordelia Buchenau Blacker circa 1871

My great grandmother Ada Cordelia Buchenau Blacker was born February 7, 1853 in St. Joseph, Missouri.  Her parents were John Buchenau, born in Germany, and Catherine B. Tyler Buchenau, born in Pennsylvania.

At the age of 18, she married David Lyman Blacker in Wathena, Kansas on February 27, 1871.  Shortly afterwards, she moved with her new husband to the Montana Territory. 

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When documents “talk”!

David Lyman Blacker (1829-1911)

My great grandfather, David Lyman Blacker, was born August 29, 1829, in Pennsylvania.  Between that time and 1864, we don’t know much about his whereabouts.  But we do know that in 1864 he ended up in Virginia City, Montana – and from then on, we have a great deal of information due to his success as both a miner and stock raiser.

The main evidence we have as to the specifics of his arrival in Montana is a letter he received from the Society of Montana Pioneers in January 1899 (see below).  The letter asked for specific biographical information which was to be published in an upcoming “Register”.  I think it’s very  likely he filled in the blanks himself – or if not, he probably directed someone on how to fill them out.

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